Tatiana Videos:Un Milagro en Navidad (2000)Tatiana's second Christmas video, this one had a more homespun flavor as it was produced by Tatiana's mother, Diana Perla Chapa, with the assistance of other relatives, and without the involvement of the usual TV and record company people -- it appears to be self-published by Tatiana and her family. In this video, which appears to be designed for TV airing (including pauses for the insertion of commercials), Tatiana helps the family of a sick child in the hospital to have a merry Christmas. Some of her Christmas songs with dance and ice skating acts are included, as well as scenes from her family Christmas dinner in Monterrey and the decorating of the Christmas tree with her daughter Cassandra. Label / Cat #: Self-published; no number shown. Marketing: Juan Ramón Palacios Chapa, Diana Perla Chapa; Tel (8) 378-3135, Fax (8) 335-5894. Review: by Godspeede (special to this site)
This page was first created 20 Feb 2001, and last modified 28 Jun 2002.