El Espacio de Tatiana Episode Guide: 2000
These are the known episodes copyrighted in 2000. This guide will be
filled in with more episodes whenever details can be found. See
the main EEDT page for more information.
A mouse gets in Tatiana's hair...
- Mexican Air Date: 26 Mar 2000
- Univision Air Dates: 03 Jun 2000, 25 Sep 2000
- Copyright Date: 2000
- Tatiana Songs: "Vamos A Jugar" (video),
"El Medico Brujo"
- Musical Guests: Aleks Syntec: "Preso",
"Tú Necesitas"; S.B.S.: "Sigue al Lider"
- Music Videos [Univision 03 Jun 2000]: Salsa Kids: "Oye
Niña"; Sparx: "La Rana"
- Music Videos [Univision 25 Sep 2000]: El Carreton: "Bronco";
Jennifer y Los Jets: "Yo Te Vi"; Christian Castro: "Tú Corazón";
Ricky Martin: "Hercules"; Magneto: "Sugar Sugar"
- Estrella: Coro de Niños, Schola Cantorum
de Mexico: "La Gallina Indiscreta" [cut from 25 Sep 2000 Univision]
- Games: Rompecabezas, Tatinometro
- Magic: Mandrake Jr. [cut from 25 Sep 2000 Univision]
- Tatimopets: Airplanes (with Constanza) [cut from 25 Sep 2000 Univision]
- Laboratory: Paper cup doesn't burn when
water is in it. [cut from 25 Sep 2000 Univision]
- Tatiana's Outfit: Shiny red around chest
area; multicolored wavy patterns
elsewhere and in the central star.
- Notes:
- When this episode was re-run by Univision,
many segments were cut, including the "mouse-in-hair"
segment I used to name the episode. However, some
introductions between segments were kept that were
dropped from the earlier Univision run.
- Tatiana is holding a mouse during
the Prof. Chipitinsky (laboratory)
segment. The Prof. asks her to put
it back in its cage, but it refuses
to go, so she keeps holding it,
treating it tenderly and lovingly.
Near the end of the segment, it
gets away and climbs into Tatiana's
- In the Chipitinsky segment, Tatiana is wearing
a blue dress with a blue-green sparkly chest area.
- As shown in the later Univision airing,
Tatiana changes outfits for the final song by
twirling around (a la Wonder Woman). However, this
part was cut from the earlier Univision version,
leaving it undefined how she suddenly wound up
in a different outfit.
- Aleks Syntek wrote a song on Tatiana's pop album,
Vientos en Libertad (1990), "Por Ultima
Vez." After Syntek's performance on this show, he
and Tatiana do an imprompto duet of a few bars from
this song.
An egg gets smushed...
- Mexican Air Date: 02 Apr 2000
- Univision Air Date: 10 Jun 2000
- Copyright Date: 2000
- Tatiana Songs: "Veo, Veo",
"Papo El Zapato"
- Music Videos [Univision 10 Jun 2000]: Servando y Florentino: "Fan Enamorada";
Salserin: "De Sol a Sol"; Lucero: "El Reflejo";
El Carreton: "Bronco"
- Estrella: Cassandra Puentes (skiing) -- Tatiana's daughter.
- Games: Rompecabezas, Tatinometro
- Magic: Mago Frank
- Tatimopets: Automobiles (with Constanza)
- Laboratory: Egg 'sucked' into bottle by air expanding
then contracting due to being heated by candle.
- Other: Guests to the show announce some activity or program
to benefit children, but a notice on screen says it's only available
in Mexico.
- Tatiana's Outfit: Gold
- Notes:
- Tatiana brought in her own daughter as the "Estrella" for this
show, in the segment that highlights a different child each week
for his/her accomplishments in some sport, hobby, or other activity.
A little nepotistic, but it gave her fans a chance to see her youngest
family member. Reports are that her whole family is very close, and
she always brings her husband and daughter with her when touring.
- The "egg" experiment didn't quite work out; instead of going
cleanly through the neck of the bottle, it got rather "smooshed."
This was apparently a source of embarrassment for the Professor,
as it was referred to on a few occasions in later episodes.
Tatiana has a hair-raising experience...
- Mexican Air Date: 09 Apr 2000
- Univision Air Date: 17 Jun 2000
- Copyright Date: 2000
- Tatiana Songs: "Papo el Zapato",
"Vamos a Jugar" (video)
- Musical Guests: Lula Pop: "Amor de Colores", "Baby";
Jan: "En Mi"
- Music Videos [Univision 17 Jun 2000]: Ricky Martin: "Hercules";
Jennifer y Los Jets: "Yo Te Vi"
- Estrella: Alonso Rodriguez (waterskiing)
- Games: Bomberos Espaciales, Tatinometro
- Magic: Jonathan Alzak
- Tatimopets: Jeans (with Constanza)
- Laboratory: The Professor blows over a brick by blowing into
a paper bag, after showing that he can't do it if the bag is open on
both sides and the air just goes all the way through.
- Other: Tatiana visits the children's science museum
Papalote Museo Del Niños (which she has been to fairly often on
the show), talks about pollution at an environmental booth, and gets into a wheelchair to show what the
handicapped must live with. Later in the show, she touches an electrostatic device that raises her hair.
- Tatiana's Outfit: Blue and white, with multicolored small stars
in addition to the big star in the center.
- Notes:
- At the end of the magic act, Tatiana has the magician teleport her
into the outdoor festival for the next segment.
- The Professor brings in the setup for last week's experiment, with a
new "un-smushed" egg, apparently wanting to re-do it right this time,
but Tatiana insists they do a new experiment instead.
Tatiana takes a bite of cake...
- Mexican Air Date: 16 Apr 2000
- Univision Air Date: 24 Jun 2000
- Copyright Date: 2000
- Special Theme: 3rd Anniversary Show (actual anniversary date is 19 Apr)
- Tatiana Songs: "Pim Pon", "Estrellita" (video),
"El Patio de Mi Casa" (video)
- Music Videos [Univision 24 Jun 2000]: El Carreton: "Bronco"; Salserin: "De Sol a Sol"
- Other: A number of clips from past shows, including magic
tricks, "Estrella" guests, musical guests, games, "Tatimopets" segments,
and "Chipitinsky" experiments (they kid around about the messed-up egg again).
At the end they bring out a big cake to commemorate the third anniversary
of the show.
- Tatiana's Outfit: Pinkish-purple and white.
- Notes:
- Tatiana takes a big bite directly out of the cake without using
any silverware; didn't anybody teach her any table manners?
OK, I guess she's just showing her impulsive personality.
Tatiana's dress gets wet...
- Mexican Air Date: 23 Apr 2000
- Univision Air Date: 08 Jul 2000
- Copyright Date: 2000
- Tatiana Songs: "Papo El Zapato", "Veo Veo"
- Musical Guests: Ragazzi: "Alguien Menos Tú", "El Rio y El Agua";
Ciao Mama: "Veneno y Miel"
- Music Videos [Univision 08 Jul 2000]: Onda Vaselina: "Tus Besos";
El Carreton: "Bronco"
- Estrella: Marissa Ortiz (Alpinismo -- climbing)
- Games: Bomberos Espaciales, Tatinometro
- Magic: Jonathan Alzak
- Tatimopets: Robots (with Constanza)
- Laboratory: Paper sheet stays on of water-filled glass even
when turned upside down due to air pressure.
- Other: Tatiana visits science museum (in 2 segments).
- Tatiana's Outfit: Blue dress with chest area of some sort
of sparkly greenish color.
- Notes:
- The magician teleports Tatiana to the museum at the end of his
act (a stunt that's been done in several shows).
- Prof. Chipitinsky eats part of an egg at the start of the laboratory
segment, apparently in another reference to the failed egg experiment
of a few weeks ago. At the end of the segment, though the paper did hold
for a few seconds on the water glass, it gives way and the water spills,
getting Tatiana's dress wet.
- Some brief footage from various science fiction movies, including
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, is used in the
Tatimopets "robots" segment.
The phone is ringing... can somebody answer it?
- Mexican Air Date: 30 Apr 2000
- Univision Air Date: 15 Jul 2000
- Copyright Date: 2000
- Special Theme: Dia de los Niños (Children's Day)
- Tatiana Songs: "Amo a To", "La Vibora de la Mar"
- Musical Guest: Ximena: "Dime por que"
- Music Videos [Univision 15 Jul 2000]: Salserin: "De Sol a Sol";
Servando y Florentino: "Fan Emorado"; Sparx: "La Rana";
Lucero: "El Reflejo"; Onda Vaselina: "Tus Besos"
- Estrella: Gustavo P. and Mario P. (Model airplanes)
- Game: Tatisplash
- Magic: Jarami
- Tatimopets: Telephones -- new technologies like
cellular and satellite (with Constanza)
- Laboratory: Egg floats when salt is added to water.
- Other: "Public-service" video featuring Tatiana and lots
of children, urging them to do good things for the planet like
pick up litter.
- Tatiana's Outfit: Orange and purple. These colors alternate
all over the outfit; the star is mostly orange, and the chest area is purple.
- Notes:
- With this episode, which came soon after the third anniversary show,
a number of changes and refinements were made to the format. "Tatinometro"
was renamed "Tatisplash", reflecting the use of the dunking tank at the
end of the quiz segment which had been in effect for months at this point.
The other game segments were eliminated, leaving only the quiz ending in dunking.
This apparently left the second team member in the teams of children competing
in the games with no role other than getting dunked if his side lost.
A new "theme song" announced the Tatimopets segment, though this segment
was apparently discontinued just a few weeks later. New captions at the
start of the laboratory segment announced it as "El Laboratorio de Tatiana,
con Profesor Chipitinsky."
- El Dia de los Niños is a day celebrated in Latin America honoring
children (in the U.S. we just have Mother's Day and Father's Day, but no
day specifically for the kids).
- In the lab segment, a clown brought in a large rabbit or hare to be
petted by Tatiana and Chipitinsky before the experiment. Then, when the
egg was introduced, they seemed to kid around a little based on the past
bad experience with an "egg experiment." When Tatiana asked for salt,
this was used as a Spanish-language pun: "Sal" (salt) is also the imperative
form of "salir" (to leave or go outside), and Chipitinsky pretended that
he was being ordered to go away. This segment seemed to be filmed in a
different session; Tatiana was wearing a blue and gold outfit.
- When two or more people are honored in the "Estrella" segment, there
is only one medal, so at least one honoree goes medal-less... not really
- One "Tatisplash" question required the child to sing a line from
Tatiana's song "Papo El Zapato"; the kid required a little coaxing from
Tatiana to overcome her shyness about singing.
- During the "Tatimopets" segment, a rather annoying phone ring continued
with the characters not knowing where the phone was to answer it. At the
end, it turned out the phone was inside the cat (did he eat it?), and they
answered it by shouting into his mouth (it was Tatiana calling).
What's a Zorrillo?
- Mexican Air Date: 07 May 2000
- Univision Air Date: 22 Jul 2000
- Copyright Date: 2000
- Tatiana Songs: "Estrellita" (video); "Veo, Veo"
- Musical Guest: Innis: "Dime Donde, Dime Cuando",
"Senitrás Amor"
- Other Performance: Cha Cha Cha de la Che: "De La 'a' a la 'z'"
- Music Videos [Univision 22 Jul 2000]: Christian Castro:
"Tu Corazón"; Ricardo Montaner: "Un Mundo Ideal" (A Whole New World);
David: "Carolina"
- Estrella: Diego Gálvez (Vela: sailing)
- Game: Tatisplash
- Magic: Mago Frank
- Tatimopets: Chocolate (with Constanza)
- Laboratory: Prof. Chipitinsky shows how to bend a straw in the
right way to lift up a soda bottle with it.
- Other: Two girls, one in a wheelchair, bring roses to Tatiana.
- Tatiana's Outfit: Yellow dress with bronze-colored chest area
and a gold central star.
- Notes:
- Tatiana is holding a skunk (zorrillo) during the laboratory
segment. She repeats the name "zorrillo" several times in explaining
it to the Professor, with those neat-sounding highly-trilled Spanish
double "r"s. The Professor actually doesn't succeed in lifting the
bottle during the first laboratory segment, but they come back later
in the show and do it right this time. Tatiana is wearing a sparkly
blue-green dress with a gold chest area during these segments.
- When being photographed with the "Estrella" guest, Tatiana
tells him to say "Cheese." I guess the Spanish "queso" wouldn't
work as well.
Mother's Day
- Mexican Air Date: 14 May 2000
- Univision Air Date: 05 Aug 2000
- Copyright Date: 2000
- Special Theme: Dia de Madres (Mother's Day)
- Tatiana Songs: "Mamá", "Papo el Zapato"
- Musical Guests: Edith Marquez: "Acosúmbrame al Cielo", "Esta Vez";
Nina: "Con un vuela de una mosca"
- Music Videos [Univision 05 Aug 2000]: David: "Carolina";
Servando y Florentino: "Aleviame"; Luis Miguel: "Sueña";
Gerardito Fernandez: "El Consentido"
- Estrella: Mauricio Azcue (Golf)
- Game: Tatisplash
- Magic: Jarami
- Laboratory: Prof. Chipitinsky shows how to penetrate a potato
with a straw, by holding his finger over the end.
- Tatiana's Outfit: Silver, with some blue patterns.
- Notes:
- Tatiana is holding a tarantula during the laboratory
segment. It keeps crawling up her arm, but she always manages to stop
it before it gets up into her hair, as some other animals have.
- During the "Mamá" song, they show various mothers and children in
the audience. One little boy grabs his mama's face, a little roughly
it seems.
An Un-married Boa...
- Mexican Air Date: 21 May 2000
- Univision Air Date: 12 Aug 2000
- Copyright Date: 2000
- Tatiana Songs: "La Gallina Turuleca", "Baila Conmigo" (video)
- Performances: Barbujas: "Popurri de Personajes";
Obra de Teatro "Anastasia": "Paris"
- Music Videos [Univision 12 Aug 2000]: Salserin: "De Sol a Sol";
Jennifer y Los Jetz: "Tengo Miedo"; Imanol: "Como Canica";
Thalia: "Viaje Tiempo Atras"
- Estrella: Marco Portillo (Doblaje: movie voice dubbing)
- Game: Tatisplash
- Magic: Mago Frank
- Laboratory: An electric current changes the color of a
chemical solution.
- Tatiana's Outfit: Pink, with multicolored stripes in the
chest area.
- Notes:
- The "Popurri de Personajes" segment featured such characters as
a singing and dancing frog in a top hat. One of them sprays "silly
string" into the studio audience.
- The "Anastasia" segment seems to be from a stage production
based on the animated film. (The Thalia video aired at least by
Univision [I have no idea what videos are shown in the original
Mexican airing] is from the Spanish Anastasia soundtrack, I think;
clips from the animated movie are included.)
- Tatiana is holding a snake during the laboratory segment.
They get in a pun there as Prof. Chipitinsky pretends to
misunderstand "boa" (a reference to the snake) as "boda" (wedding).
- The "Estrella" guest is a child who dubs voices in the Spanish
versions of movies. Tatiana mentions her own experience doing the
Spanish voice of Megara on Hercules while introducing him.
Chipitinsky's hair is not electrostatic...
- Mexican Air Date: 28 May 2000
- Univision Air Date: 20 Aug 2000
- Copyright Date: 2000
- Tatiana Songs: "Oh Susana" (video); "Brinca La Tablita"
- Musical Guest: Jaime Camil: "Fiesta de Amor", "Nada es Igual Sin Ti"
- Performance: Alicia en el Pais: "Feliz No Cumpleaños"
- Music Videos [Univision 20 Aug 2000]: Servando y Florentino: "Fan Enamorada";
Salserin: "De Sol a Sol"; Sparx: "La Rana"
- Estrella: Daniela Merhe (Esgrima: fencing)
- Game: Tatisplash
- Magic: Mago Herrera
- Laboratory: Prof. Chipitinsky attempts to give a balloon an
electrostatic charge by rubbing it on his hair.
- Tatiana's Outfit: Sparkly blue-green; gold around chest area.
- Notes:
- Jaime Camil's website
says that his appearance was filmed on March 17, 2000, and was supposed
to be aired in April. However, it doesn't seem to have aired until
May, at least according to my own calculations.
- During the laboratory segment, the two mice that are regularly
shown in their cage are on top of the cage instead, but they don't
run away. Prof. Chipitinsky tries to "charge" a balloon by rubbing
it on his hair, but it doesn't work, probably because his "hair"
is fake. Probably, Tatiana should have tried it with her real hair.
They seem to get some pleasure out of repeating the word "Electrostatic",
one of the longest and most technical-sounding words they've used on
this program.
- The "Alicia" segment is based on the "Mad Tea Party" scene of
"Alice in Wonderland", where the Mad Hatter supports the celebration
of "unbirthdays" on the grounds that everyone has 364 of them per
year (365 on leap years).
- In the Gregorian Calendar, everybody has an average of 364.2425
unbirthdays per year, given the leap year cycle with special exceptions
for century years.
The balloon doesn't pop...
- Mexican Air Date: 04 Jun 2000
- Univision Air Date: 03 Sep 2000
- Copyright Date: 2000
- Tatiana Songs: "Vamos a Jugar" (video); "Medico Brujo"
- Musical Guest: Alan: "Si Pudiera Volar", "Volvaré, Volvarás";
Klishe: "Basta Ya"
- Music Videos [Univision 03 Sep 2000]: Imanol: "Como Canica";
Salsa Kids: "Oye Niña"; Tatiana: "Estrellita"; MDO: "No Puedo Olvidar"
- Estrella: Fernando Arosamena (Padel: a tennis variant)
- Game: Tatisplash
- Magic: Mago Herrera
- Laboratory: Tatiana sticks pin into balloon without popping it.
- Tatiana's Outfit: Dark and light brown swirly patterns;
yellow around chest area.
- Notes:
- In the laboratory segment, Tatiana is wearing a blue-green sparkly
outfit with gold chest area, like the one she wore last episode; probably
this segment was filmed during the session for that episode, not this one.
Whether it was originally part of that episode and moved around by Univision
or was like this in the Mexican airing I have no idea.
- Tatiana kids the professor about last episode's "electrostatic balloon"
before doing the current experiment. The Professor pops several balloons,
then Tatiana inserts a needle without the balloon popping. I'm still not
really sure just how she does this.
Chipitinsky grows a long beard...
- Mexican Air Date: 11 Jun 2000
- Univision Air Date: 10 Sep 2000
- Copyright Date: 2000
- Tatiana Songs: "Vamos a Jugar" (video); "Chicas de Hoy"
- Music Videos [Univision 10 Sep 2000]: Ricky Martin: "Hercules";
Salserin: "De Sol a Sol", "Donde Esta el Amor"; Fey: "Subidon";
Magneto: "Sugar Sugar"
- Performance: Tigger: "El Up de Duper Super Rebotar" (with actors
in Tigger and Winnie the Pooh costumes)
- Magic: Mandrake Jr.
- Estrella: Pricila (Magic)
- Game: Tatisplash
- Laboratory: Flower with split stem inserted in differently colored
water turns different colors on each side.
- Tatiana's Outfit: Pink and purple plaid, with silver around sides
and back; silver star. Star is smaller than usual.
- Notes:
- Prof. Chipitinsky (laboratory) segment is done in two parts; the first
one where the flower is put in red and blue water (on each side of a split
stem), and a return later in the show to see if the flower has gained color
yet. It hasn't, so Tatiana casts a spell to move forward in time -- the
Professor gains a long, white beard, and the flower is red on one side and
blue on the other. At the start of the first laboratory segment, Tatiana
is holding an iguana, which crawls up her arm and into her hair (animals
seem to like Tatiana's hair). The Chipitinsky segments seem to have been
filmed at a different session from the rest of the show, because Tatiana
is wearing a different outfit: purple and yellow, with a silver central
star (purple at the center of the star), and some smaller stars surrounding
- Two Salserin videos are shown; "De Sol a Sol" is used frequently on this
show, but the other one, "Donde Esta el Amor" seems to be new here.
- The Magneto video is of the familiar song "Sugar Sugar" (from the Archies),
with Spanish lyrics except for the main "Sugar Sugar, Honey Honey" chorus,
which remains in English.
- "Chicas de Hoy" is an old Tatiana song, originally done as the title
track of a 1984 album during her "teen pop" phase. She did a new version
of it for her 2000 Vamos a Jugar album, and that is the version
used on this show. Tatiana goes up into the audience during the performance
of the song.
- Chipitin's "Electrochip" character (during the game segment) has
a new costume, more gray than his earlier black costume.
- A kid loses in the "Tatisplash" game by mistakenly saying that a
triangle has four sides.
What's the deal with that dancing cow???
- Mexican Air Date: 18 Jun 2000?
- Univision Air Date: 17 Sep 2000
- Copyright Date: 2000
- Tatiana Songs: "Veo, Veo", "Medico Brujo"
- Musical Guest: Alejandra Avalos: "Una Madre Como Tú",
"Quererte a Ti"
- Performance: La Marca del Zorro: "Tu"
- Music Videos [Univision 17 Sep 2000]: Onda Vaselina: "Tus Besos";
Fey: "Mi Media Naranja"; Sparx: "La Rana"; Lucero: "El Reflejo"
- Magic: Mandrake Jr.
- Estrella: Rodolfo Andrés (Futbol: soccer)
- Game: Tatisplash
- Laboratory: They attempt to propel a toy car with a deflating
- Tatiana's Outfit: Blue, and light green around chest area.
- Notes:
- There was some pretty weird stuff in this episode; I think everyone
got a little light-headed as the end of the season approached.
- I don't know what the "Zorro" act was all about; while there was a
guy in a Zorro costume, center stage was occupied by a singing and dancing
cow, of all things. Visible udders on the costume showed that this was
no bull, but the singing was in a deep male voice anyway. After the act,
Tatiana talked with the cow (who was then speaking in a high falsetto).
- The Chipitinsky laboratory scene was done in two segments. In the
first, they never get around to doing an experiment before the Professor
slams his hand hard on the table and hurts it. In the second segment,
with the Professor's hand in a large cast, he tries to get a toy car to
roll across the table under the power of air escaping from a deflating
balloon, but it doesn't go. (Maybe it's a Chevy Nova, which allegedly
sold poorly in Latin American countries because "No Va" means "Doesn't Go.")
Tatiana shoved it across the table then. Tatiana wore a purple, yellow,
and silver outfit in these segments, and held a parrot (which didn't
talk, but squawked).
- There seemed to be some pretty avid fans in the studio audience.
Several held up signs extolling Tatiana, and one had a larger-than-life,
hand-drawn, paper cutout of her.
- Tatiana once again used the Wonder-Woman-like technique of spinning
around to magically change outfits, just before the final song.
Is that the Village People?
- Mexican Air Date: 25 Jun 2000 (or maybe 18 Jun 2000?)
- Univision Air Date: 01 Oct 2000 (cut to 30 minutes)
- Copyright Date: 2000
- Tatiana Songs: "Payaso Triste", "Hoy Tengo Que Decirte Papa"
- Musical Guest: Ivonne e Ivette: "Merengue del Pastel"
- Performance: Muñecas: "6 Animalitas"
- Estrella: Antonio Diaz (Squash)
- Game: Tatisplash
- Laboratory: They balance a book on a rolled-up sheet of paper
by putting it at its center of gravity.
- Tatiana's Outfit: Black around chest; white elsewhere. Central
star is white with black star inside. There are smaller white stars in
the black parts and black stars in the black parts.
- Notes:
- Univision cut the time slot to a half hour as of this episode,
with Tigritos spinoff "Rugemanía" filling the following half hour.
This reduction was achieved mostly by eliminating the other artists'
music videos, but some other segments were probably cut as well (most
likely there was a second song from musical guests Ivonne e Ivette,
and perhaps other things like a magic trick, Tatimopets, etc.).
- In the laboratory segment, Tatiana is wearing a purple and yellow
outfit with a silver central star (with a smaller purple star within it).
The yellow area has small purple stars. She is holding a lizard, which
gets hyperactive at times, but she keeps it under control anyway.
- The book shown in the lab segment has the date "1969" on its spine;
perhaps it's the high school or college yearbook of somebody associated
with the show?
- The "Animalitas" segment featured various animal noises, with
costumed characters representing the six animals.
- In the final song, which is about fathers, some of the dancers are
dressed up as various occupations (probably symbolizing the different
jobs fathers have) such as a policeman, a fireman, a doctor, etc. (Kind
of Village People-ish!) Father's Day was June 18, so maybe that was the
date this aired, though my own calculations (based on Univision airing
the episodes in order, and on the dates of Mother's Day and Children's
Day when earlier tributes were given) show this episode airing a week
Lots of balloons, but where's the science experiment?
- Mexican Air Date: 09 Jul 2000?
- Univision Air Date: 08 Oct 2000 (cut to 30 minutes)
- Copyright Date: 2000
- Tatiana Songs: "No Te Quedes Con Las Ganas", "10 Inditos"
- Musical Guest: Pricila y Sus Balas de Plata: "Feliz Como Una Lombriz"
- Magic: Mago Frank
- Estrella: Amor Huerta (Reporter: video shows her touring a Ford
factory and reporting on how they make cars there)
- Game: Tatisplash
- Laboratory: Some stuff with balloons
- Tatiana's Outfit: White and pinkish purple; silver central star,
and lots of smaller stars in white areas.
- Notes:
- Another half-hour Univision hack job; there's no telling what other
segments were in the original show that we didn't get to see.
- In the laboratory segment, Tatiana seems to be wearing the same
outfit as in last week's lab segment, so they're apparently from the
same filming session. Whether this means that Univision got this part
from a different episode or if they were really aired this way in Mexico
I don't know.
- The lab segment doesn't seem to have any real point this time, with
no serious experiment; they just seem to be kidding around about the
past balloon-related experiments which didn't always work out. At the
end, the Professor pretends to be electrostatically attracted in a strong
way to the back wall, in a parody of his failed attempt a few weeks ago
to get a balloon to stick to the wall by rubbing it on his hair.
- At the end of the magic trick, when a paper sheet has been cut up
to reveal two club-shaped outlines corresponding to the two of clubs
Tatiana drew from the deck at the start, they hold up the sheet upside
down; the clubs are pointing downward.
The Family of Eggs
- Mexican Air Date: 16 Jul 2000?
- Univision Air Date: 15 Oct 2000 (cut to 30 minutes)
- Copyright Date: 2000
- Tatiana Songs: "El Calentiamento", "Baila Conmigo" (video)
- Musical Guest: Pony Choche: "La Pancita"
- Magic: Mago Herrera
- Game: Tatisplash
- Laboratory: Static-charged comb bends stream of water
- Tatiana's Outfit: Yellow and purple, with silver star that
has purple star within it
- Notes:
- Another half-hour Univision hack job; there's no telling what other
segments were in the original show that we didn't get to see.
- The "magic trick" consisted of a "family" of eggs (with faces drawn
on them) being introduced, then balanced on top of cardboard cylinders
on top of a board that was placed atop a row of glasses of water. The
magician then yanked away the board and the eggs fell perfectly into
the water glasses. It's not really "magic" so much as it's the magician
learning to yank the board just right: at the proper speed, in the proper
direction, and with the proper smoothness. He probably broke lots of eggs
in practice while learning how to do this.
- For a change, Tatiana is wearing the same outfit in the laboratory
segments as in the rest of the show. She also holds a mouse, but it
doesn't get in her hair this time. There's a commercial break between
two parts of the lab sequence. In the second part they actually do the
experiment, which consists of getting a comb statically charged by running
it through Tatiana's hair (they have the sense to use her real hair this time
instead of the Professor's fake hair) and then showing how it attracts
a stream of water from a cooler slightly towards the charged comb.
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This page was first created 01 Mar 2001, and last modified 31 Mar 2002.
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