Tatiana Pictures:Merchandise PicturesPictures of some of the merchandise that has been released based on Tatiana.
The continuing evolution of her logo is shown in these drawings.
Postcard featuring her new logo
She's a doll! This is a picture of the Tatiana doll made by Hasbro,
which is a top seller in Mexico.
Some of her merchandise. It is very popular with Mexican children.
Her licensed suitcase and backpack.
Some of her licensed cosmetic merchandise.
Some of the stickers of her produced as licensed merchandise.
From 1988, with her signature-logo guitar.
Various Tatiana merchandise.
Claudia "Tatiette" Miranda provides these pictures of her collection
of Tatiana memorabilia.
Tatiana's doll depicted in a magazine article on celebrity dolls.
More of her merchandise.
Tatiana poster
Promo poster. LinksHere are some links related to her merchandise. Unfortunately, I haven't yet found any place from which it can be ordered from outside Mexico.
This page was first created 27 Oct 2001, and last modified 13 Feb 2007.