Tatiana.info | Music | Las De Cajon Para Chavitos [English | Español]

Tatiana Album Guide:

Las De Cajon Para Chavitos (2003)

[Picture: Album Cover]

This compilation of children's music has two Tatiana songs.

Label / Cat #: Sony Music 2-505908

Availability: Unknown.

Track List:

  1. Vivan los niños -- OV7
  2. El patio de mi casa -- Tatiana [Listen]
  3. El baile del sapito -- Cómplices
  4. La fiesta -- Cepillín
  5. El baile del gorila -- melody.
  6. La risa de las vocales -- Katy
  7. El gusanito -- Real Chicano
  8. La canción de Parchís -- Parchís
  9. La bomba -- Azul Azul
  10. Ring Ring -- El Padre Abraham Y Sus Pitufos
  11. Shabadaba -- OV7
  12. Ilarie -- Xuxa
  13. 123 -- El Símbolo
  14. Hi Ho -- Tatiana [Listen]
  15. Payaso de rodeo -- Caballo Dorado
  16. Bombachito -- Barney
  17. Que sube que baja -- El Círculo
  18. Tamborileiro -- Cepillín
  19. Media naranja -- Fey
  20. Pajaritos a volar -- Payasitas Ni Fu Ni Fa
  21. Mayonesa -- Chocoboys
  22. Sinfonia Inconclusa - En la mar -- Piero
  23. No voy a trabajar -- Bermudas
  24. Arereje -- Las Ketchup

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This page was first created 05 Sep 2005, and last modified 05 Sep 2005.
This page is not an official site of Tatiana or her management, producers, TV networks, or record companies; it is an independent fan site. Tatiana's official site is at www.tatiana.tv. All contents copyrighted by their respective creators or contributors or © 2000-2018 Daniel R. Tobias. The "Tatiana" logo and other trademarks used in this site are property of their respective owners.
